In 1995, feeling the need to carry out work to obtain better genetic materials that would adapt to the climatic conditions and soil of the Cerrado Mineiro Region, José Carlos Grossi planted his first Experimental Field in partnership with the IAC (Instituto Agronômico de Campinas). . In this place, he set up a sequential list of varieties to be tested using the acronym IBC. The experiment that stood out the most, in terms of quality, yield and grain size in the field, was number 12, hence the IBC12 variety.
From 1995 to the present day, as the results were satisfactory and with Grossi's recommendation, the variety became widely produced and known in the Cerrado Mineiro Region, as well as widely cultivated by us, generating surprising drinks with each harvest. Recently the variety was launched by the Instituto Agronômico de Campinas as IAC-125 RN.
Characteristics: Coffees that stand out for their drink, presenting characteristics of chocolate, delicate acidity, notes of spices and coffee pulp, in addition to impressing with the capacity to produce large beans.