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Our Property



OUR PRODUCTION UNITS are located in the Cerrado Mineiro Region at altitudes ranging from 840 to 1,140 meters, a unique terroir region that produces some of the best coffees in Brazil for having well-defined climatic seasons, uniform maturation and plenty of sunlight during the harvest season.

All properties are located at most 70 kilometers from the city of Patrocínio, which is a large and active commercial coffee-growing center, so all farms belong to the same terroir.


Harvesting takes place between the months of May and September in a mechanized, professional and highly careful way to enhance the quality of the beans, as well as taking care of all the elements that are part of the ecosystem where we operate.


Production & Processing Units

Grão de Café.png
1. Aroeira
12. Conceição e
São Matheus 
13. Garça Branca
14. Luciana
15. Paineiras
16. Poço Azul
17.  São José
18. União
6. Cedros
7. Ipês
8.  Santa Clara
9. Santa Rosa
10. São Francisco da Serra

Production Units

1. Chácara Modelo
2. Bela Vista 
3. Boa Vista I
4. Boa Vista II
5. Bom Jardim
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Cerrado Mineiro Region

It is a coffee-producing origin that was born and developed through diversity and unity, the pioneering spirit and entrepreneurship of its people. The region broke paradigms that the “tradition” of the coffee market dictated for years.

Through organization and union, the coffees are recognized for their quality and differentiation through the region's demarcation with the Designation of Origin and production certification. Today, the region has gone beyond tradition and built the new, creating a history of attitude for its coffee growing through its growers.












Our processes

J.C Grossi & Filhos adopted the strategy of verticalization of production activities and, today, it has quality control and traceability of the production processes of our coffees, in order to obtain consistency of quality in the production of coffees.


Variety of Coffees and Nurseries


In the various experimental fields developed by the
Grossi Family, the coffee varieties that best suit each farm are chosen. One of the properties, Chácara Modelo (Experimental Field), in technical partnership with MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply) and IAC (Campinas Agronomic Institute), is dedicated exclusively to research and development with an emphasis on plant breeding programs that seek the best varieties of coffee adapted to the Cerrado Mineiro and that please the demanding of consumers demanding palate.

Following the selection of the best varieties,
seedlings are cultivated on the farms, in which those with the best development are selected and planted.


Soil Preparation


The Cerrado Mineiro region has ideal altitude and climatic conditions for coffee cultivation, however, it has dystrophic soils, so technologies are used to correct and improve fertility for coffee cultivation.

Soil fertility is corrected through the application of fertilizers from limestone, magnesian and phosphate rocks, as well as organic compounds produced on the farms with coffee residues.


Cultural Practices


Cultural treatments are carefully planned with the help of professionals who make up an experienced and professional team.

The management of pests and diseases is done in an integrated manner (IPM). Employees do, on a constant and scheduled basis, reserches of incidences of pests and diseases. This way of working favors the application of defensive products only in the affected areas, reducing the environmental impact.

It is important to emphasize that in the preparation of spraying and in the handling of pesticides, there is special attention to worker and environmental safety.

Weed control is carried out in an ecologically sustainable manner, with the objective of improving the physical and chemical conditions of the soil and taking advantage of the work of insects that prey on other insects that infest crops, thus reducing the use of pesticides chemicals.


Production Technology

Irrigation is essential in the production units of the JC Grossi & Filhos Group. Its use is done in order to reduce water consumption, taking advantage of the stress of the coffee plantation and irrigating it only when it is essential to break this stress, which will ensure a more uniform flowering and a homogeneous harvest.




Harvests have greater potential for quality, as they only occur when there are 90% ripe beans, The harvest is carried out in a mechanized way, using coffee harvesters and mechanical coffee picker, working full time, to achieve the goal in a shorter period of time.

When harvested, the mature coffee beans are immediately processed in the washing and pulping units. At the washing stations, they are processed, washed, peeled and spread on yards on the same day, to avoid the risk of loss of quality.

Natural coffees and pulped cherries are processed in an ecological way, in facilities that consume little or no water and that recycle all their solid and liquid waste.


Drying Methods

First, the coffee undergoes pre-drying in yards where
solar heat reduces the moisture of the bean, and then it finishes drying in mechanical dryers, which guarantee uniformity during the drying process. The coffees remain in the dryers until they reach 11% humidity.

Drying, which is completed in the dryers, is carried out in three stages to ensure uniformity in the aspects of the beans, not exceeding 40°C for natural coffee, ensuring that the quality of the beans is preserved.

Drying in the sun and in mechanical dryers is used to highlight the flavor attributes of coffee and guarantee its quality in all weather conditions. 

Once the coffee has reached the standard moisture content, a sample is sent to the Quality Department of the JC Grossi & Filhos Group, for physical and sensory analysis of the coffee. Analysis will determine lot separation according to group quality standards. This is a key process for identifying and monitoring the quality of post-harvest processes.

It is important that the coffee, after drying, remains stored in wooden bins for at least thirty days to rest, giving the coffee a better dry homogeneity, highlighting better flavors in the drink.




The last stage of coffee preparation is processing, which is carried out in the production units of the JC Grossi & Filhos Group.

Storage and Reprocessing


The coffees are carefully selected and stored at Alto Paranaíba Armazéns Gerais Ltda., a warehouse equipped with high-tech machinery and with the capacity to store 450,000 bags of coffee in 17,500 m² of constructed area, in addition to processing 4,000 bags per day in 2 reprocessing lines.


Our Coffees


Collection with lots of high quality,
beans of the unique talent of
our founder.


JC GROSSI & FILHOS - +55 (34) 3515-5010  
Coronel João Cândido Aguiar Street, 2101 - Distrito Industrial
Post Code: 38.740-518 - Patrocínio - MG

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© 2021  JC Grossi | Created by STUDIO DVÖS

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